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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Plastic Products And Engineering Plastic

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We offer all types of Plastic Rod/ Bushing / Sheets in P.P., P.V.E., HDPE, Nylon, PU etc. We can also Mould Components as per your Specific Requirements.
Key Benefits:
* High thermal resistance with continuous use temperature of 2600C
* Excellent Mechanical Dielectric properties
* Excellent tribological behaviour
* Excellent flammability and low levels of smoke during combustion
* Halogen free
* Resistance to Chemical, Hydrolysis and Radiation
* USP Class VI approved

Industry Sector
* Aerospace
* Building
* Domestic Appliances
* Electrical / Electronic
* Industrial
* Medical
* Military
* Leisure
* Transport 

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
O. Rings, Anti Vibration Mount And Pads, Asbestos Cloth Tape Gaskets, Asbestos Gaskets, Asbestos Rope, Asbestos Textile And Ceramic Products For Heating Insulation, Auto Gaskets, Bonded Seals And Dowty Seals, Bucket Seals And Cup Seals, Caf Gaskets, Chevron Packing, Circlips And Snap Rings, Compressed Asbestos Fibre Jointings, Corrugated Gaskets, Corrugated Metal Gaskets, Diaphragms, Felts, Ferrobestos Gaskets, Fibre Products, Flat Metal Gaskets, Frp Nylon Products, Frp Ptfe Products, Frp Teflon Products, Frp Uhmw Products, Gaskets For Flanges And Cork Products, Grafoil Gaskets, Grafoil Packing, Grafoil Sheets, Industrial Gaskets, Insulating Mat, Jacketed Gaskets, Lens Gaskets, Mechinical Seals, Metal Jacketed Gaskets, Non Asbestos Industrial Gaskets, Non Metallic Gaskets, Nylon Products, Oil Seals, P. V. C. Curtains, Plastic Products And Engineering Plastic, Polyurethane Rod, Pp Rods, Pp Sheets, Ptfe Backup Rings And Machined Components, Ptfe Gaskets, Ptfe Products, Ptfe Rod, Ptfe Rods Bushes Tubes And Parts, Ptfe Scraps, Ptfe Sheets, Ptfe Thread Seal Ptfe Thread Sealant Tape, Ptfe Tubes, Pu Rod, Pure Asbestos Gaskets, Ring Joint Gaskets, Rubber Sheets And Parts, Rubberised Cork, Spiral Gaskets, Spiral Wound Gasket, Spiral Wound Gaskets, Spiral Wound Metalic Gaskets, Spirl Wound Metalic Gaskets, Teflon Bellow Seals, Teflon Products, Total Fluid Sealing Products, U Seals, Uhmw Products, V Seals, Wiper Strips, Wipers Seals